
These are a few highlights from some recent papers. A biblatex file including all of my publications may be accessed here: references.bib

Optimal Chebyshev Smoothers and One-sided V-cycles

Published in arXiv, 2022

This paper considers the use of 4th-kind and optimized 4th-kind Chebyshev, polynomials as accelerators for multigrid smoothing. These methods are developed in James Lottes’s excellent paper, Optimal polynomial smoothers for multigrid V-cycles. We extend the analysis of Lottes to the case of one-sided V-cycles, and show that, for large values of the multigrid approximation constant, smoothing with $2k$-order Chebyshev polynomials on one-side yields superior convergence to smoothing with $k$-order Chebyshev polynomials on both sides.

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Tuning Spectral Element Preconditioners for Parallel Scalability on GPUs

Published in SIAM PP 22 Proceeding, 2022

This paper is concerning runtime tuning spectral element preconditioners for parallel scalability on GPUs. A nascent tuning strategy is proposed to help alleviate the difficulty of choosing a reasonable preconditioner for a given problem. A variety of novel preconditioning schemes are also proposed, including $p$-multigrid with Chebyshev-accelerated Schwarz smoothers, low-order operator preconditioning, and even hybridizing the two approach by treating the low-order operator as the coarse grid operator.

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pplacerDC: a new scalable phylogenetic placement method

Published in Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, 2021

This paper presents a novel algorithm for phylogenetic placement that is scalable to large datasets. The general idea is to decompose a given tree using a centroid decomposition, and to apply recursively until the trees are small enough such that they may be solved using pplacer. From there, the results are merged together to produce a final placement.

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Optimal Chebyshev Smoothers and One-sided V-cycles

Published in arXiv, 2022

This paper considers the use of 4th-kind and optimized 4th-kind Chebyshev, polynomials as accelerators for multigrid smoothing. These methods are developed in James Lottes’s excellent paper, Optimal polynomial smoothers for multigrid V-cycles. We extend the analysis of Lottes to the case of one-sided V-cycles, and show that, for large values of the multigrid approximation constant, smoothing with $2k$-order Chebyshev polynomials on one-side yields superior convergence to smoothing with $k$-order Chebyshev polynomials on both sides.

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Tuning Spectral Element Preconditioners for Parallel Scalability on GPUs

Published in SIAM PP 22 Proceeding, 2022

This paper is concerning runtime tuning spectral element preconditioners for parallel scalability on GPUs. A nascent tuning strategy is proposed to help alleviate the difficulty of choosing a reasonable preconditioner for a given problem. A variety of novel preconditioning schemes are also proposed, including $p$-multigrid with Chebyshev-accelerated Schwarz smoothers, low-order operator preconditioning, and even hybridizing the two approach by treating the low-order operator as the coarse grid operator.

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pplacerDC: a new scalable phylogenetic placement method

Published in Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, 2021

This paper presents a novel algorithm for phylogenetic placement that is scalable to large datasets. The general idea is to decompose a given tree using a centroid decomposition, and to apply recursively until the trees are small enough such that they may be solved using pplacer. From there, the results are merged together to produce a final placement.

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