- Ph.D in Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023
- B.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of Oklahoma, 2018
Work experience
- September 2023 - Current: Postdoctoral Appointee, Sandia National Laboratories
- Speed up end-to-end multiphysics simulations by 2-3x through automated multiphysics preconditioner construction in Trilinos/Teko
- Port tabular property evaluators for flamelet simulations to utilize GPUs
- Aug 2018 - August 2023: Graduate Researcher, Dr. Paul Fischer
- Develop nekRS, an integral contribution to the Center of Efficient Exascale Discretizations Project
- Prepare nekRS for Frontier
- Optimize GPU kernels through OCCA
- Speedup code performance by a factor of 3
- Implement several features: novel matrix-free pressure Poisson preconditioners, ALE, AVM, …
- May 2016 - August 2023: Intern, Sandia National Laboratories
- Port large finite element method multiphysics simulation code to utilize GPUs through Kokkos
- Integrate new solver techniques, such as GCRODR, into code base
- Develop GPU kernel fusion through objected-oriented node fusion in expression graph
- Aug 2015 - May 2016: Undergraduate Researcher, University of Oklahoma
- Perform numerical simulations on transitional and fully-turbulent fluid flow
- Experience writing/debugging F77 code for DNS/Lagrangian scalar tracking
- June 2014 - May 2016: Undergraduate Researcher, University of Oklahoma
- Design computational experiments to probe stability of aymloid fibrils
- Experience running simulations in popular programs such as GROMACS and AMBER
- Languages
- C++
- Python
- Programming Models
- Kokkos
- OpenMP
- Tools
- LaTeX
- Git
Scalable Chebyshev-Accelerated Schwarz Preconditioning for GPUs
Talk at SIAM CSE 2021, Virtual
Scalable Chebyshev-Accelerated Schwarz Preconditioning for GPUs
Talk at Copper Mountain 2021, Virtual
Tuning Spectral Element Preconditioners for Parallel Scalability on GPUs
Talk at SIAM PP 2022, Virtual
Solver Development in nekRS: Optimal Chebyshev Smoothers and One-sided V-cycles
Talk at CEED Annual Meeting 6, UIUC
Improving Parallel Scalability of High-Order Preconditioners on GPUs
Talk at SIAM CSE 2023, Amsterdam, NL
Service and leadership
- President, SIAM Student Chapter at UIUC 2020-2023